Monday, July 13, 2015

Garden of Tears~ A Poem

 Welcome to the first post of The Christian Critique Group! I am very excited to introduce this piece of poetry written by Amelia.

 Remember, to enter a critique just write in the comments below. If you have a submission, email me at and read the guidelines.

 Let's get to critiquing!

 By Amelia:

Garden of Tears
Eve’s Lament

My grace was unmatched
My mind, so flawless
My heart was perfect
O why did I succumb to darkness?

I walked in peace
My thoughts never waning
When Sin wasn’t a word
At least not one worth saying

But I saw the serpent
So striking and cunning
I went to him in innocence
When I should have been running

He condemned me and eternity
My fault, alas! The guilt!
I ate the fruit
Satan drew a sword from its hilt

What once was good
Is now terribly wrong
Beauty is no more
And no more is my song

Lo! The shame
What had I done?
Wicked and evil
Shall be called my son

As I walk with heavy steps
I heave many sighs
If I could go back
Yea, and untell my first lie!

My husband is not who he was
The shame he feels
His heart, once free
Is now coldly sealed

He treads with sorrow
Laden on his back
No forgiveness
Could maintain what we lack

We hid from God
To the one who Sees
We hide our faces
What fools are we!

We loved Him so
The One who creates
We shunned his Name
But showed Satan no hate

We knew all along
What we were nigh to touch
Sinner is our name
And forever be called such

I long for those days
When we walked with He
On sunset nights
On faithful, bended knee

The love poured forth
So warm and free
Flowed without reproach
But abused it did we

I pray for hope
To the world and some
Who fall with temptation
Accept this grace which is to come

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amelia!
    Wow! What a powerful, thought-provoking poem! I loved how it came together in the end when it mentioned the coming of Christ!
    Just a few thoughts;
    “But I saw the serpent, so striking and cunning…” I think you could use a different adjective instead of having two words that end with –ing. Perhaps “sly and cunning” would work better; it gives the word image of the serpent to have a bit more of a deceptive edge. You can play around with different words or phrases to make it flow a little better.
    “We loved him so, the One who creates, we shunned his name but showed Satan no hate…” This is just a personal opinion, but I kind of think the last stanza doesn’t quite match. It just seems a little “thrown-in”.
    Other than that, you did an excellent job and I thoroughly enjoying reading this piece (3 times, actually!).
    ~W. Greene
